take the lead with life insurance

Your parents and grandparents are growing older, which means retirement, health scares, and downsizing. You’re growing a family of your own and watching young children become less young.

Spending time with loved ones makes you realize that you're truly responsible for them in a way you may not have been before.

You know they deserve a financial safety net. With Policygenius, there's a smarter way to find and buy it.

You're ready. It's time.

Take the lead with life insurance.

Our January 2023 campaign aimed to target the “sandwich generation” — individuals who are in the stage of life that requires them to think both about their parents and their own children. We encouraged our audience to take the lead with life insurance and get covered so they can protect their loved ones on both sides of life. This project included content for paid social, paid search, display, direct mail, video, CRM, partnerships, landing pages, and influencers.

Copy: Christina Valenziano, Andrew Cushing, Laura Reineke

Design: Nastia Kobzarenko, Anna Konson, Meredith Simonds, Michael Gray, Phil Blackowl


Disability Insurance for Medical Residents


Prepare for the unpredictable